Class Schedule

Foot Zoning Classes Winter and Spring 2021  (Utah)

We will soon put a link here to a google calendar of current and up coming classes.  We are in the process of making this transition!


The Beginning Foot Zoning Class is 3 days and costs $500.

The Advanced Foot Zoning Classes are 1 day each and cost $125 each.

To contact any instructor and possibly be able to find out more information about their own classes (and find it more quickly), here’s how to contact them:

Marné Fox Brigham City, UT text 435-740-0184
Kim Stone N. Salt Lake, UT text 928-660-0340
Annette Uytenbogaardt N. Orem, UT text 801-830-8188
Kelly Pomeroy Payson, UT text 801-857-1746
Julie Cheney Elk Ridge, UT text 801-472-7506
Jennah Martin Salem, UT text 719-494-7522

Also, to register for a class, contact the instructor.  Once the google calendar is up with the class schedule, this will help you see your options better.

* After completing all 9 of the Advanced classes, you can register for the Final Exam, which includes a Written Exam and also successfully performing a complete Foot Zone on your instructor.

For information on how to arrange for classes to be taught outside of the Utah County area, click here..


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