Feet in the News

I had a client come recently who was in the throes of a terrible bout with vertigo and the accompanying nausea.  I zoned everything extra-well that has to do with inner ears, brain stem, neck muscles, and neck alignment.  She came again 3 days later for a second zone, and within a couple more days she was mostly better.  AF
Five stories from A.U., a current Advanced FZ student:

1.   I had only done a few foot zones on this new journey when I had a client with sinus troubles. We did the zone and off she went feeling really relaxed. About 45 minutes later she called me to say that she had no sooner gotten home when her sinuses poured and she could breathe and felt clear. She has since come faithfully every 8 days and has not had any more trouble.

2.    A neighborhood grandma brought her grandson who is challenged with ADHD, anxiety, and abandonment issues. Being new at zoning I wondered how on earth I could get a little 6 yr-old to sit still. Well, he did the best he could, and there were times when we were both upside down zoning away. When we were finished he was calmer and his mother asked him how he felt. He said without hesitation,”Can we do that again!?”

3.   I was zoning a lady and was busy on her left foot ready to do Step B15 – Inner ear, eustachian tube, and drains for ear & eyes. She had come to me four times before, and we had done this step without any difficulties. I began the routine and at almost the end I looked up to see her looking horrified. She was experiencing tremendous pain. We  moved on with the zone and while doing DL12 – the left lung, I realized we were in approximately the same area as with B15, but she was quite comfortable during this step.  When I finished with the lung I thought how strange that in relatively the same place as B15 she felt nothing. So with her permission I re-did B15 again, and she twisted in her seat with pain. I went back and worked the left lung again, and she was comfortable. A testimony to her and to me that the foot knew the difference in the layers!!!!

4. One of my clients developed a Baker’s Cyst behind her knee over the weekend right before she was supposed to take a trip to Canada. She was scheduled to be zoned by me but cancelled her appointment so she could go to the doctor to have the cyst drained. Then she called back again five minutes later to see if she could still come because she felt that she needed to be Zoned rather than have it drained, and came immediately to our appointment. Two days later she texted me from Canada to thank me for doing the Zone that helped heal her cyst. She said the pain and the lump had totally gone, and she has had no trouble since.

5.   My grandson has been plagued with warts on his face and hands for a few years. We have had them removed a few times but they keep growing back. A week or so after his second zone he came to tell me that the warts on his hand were disappearing. Then a couple of days later he showed me that the wart on his face had fallen off and there were only scars on his hands where the warts had been. It was amazing to me that zoning could have such an effect on warts.

I had a client come for Foot Zoning who was unable to eat potatoes and also had cirrhosis of the liver. She had never drunk alcohol in her life, so it didn’t make any normal sense. However, I knew that the enzyme that breaks down the starches we eat comes almost exclusively from the parotid glands and that it’s the brain stem that tells the parotid glands to secrete it.  Then, if the parotids are not secreting enough of that enzyme to digest starches (such as potatoes ! :), the starches will sit in the duodenum and turn to alcohol, and then go right straight to the liver.  Realizing all of this, I zoned the heck out of her brain stem and parotids on her big toe while she laid off of potatoes and other heavy starches.  Within 4-5 months she could eat them again, although she continues to not overdo it.  It would also have been good to tell her about oil pulling for unclogging any clogged salivary glands.
Guess where you learn this kind of stuff?  In the Advanced FZ classes!  This was just taught in the Digestive System class the other day!  JC
When zoning my friend and neighbor, she was telling me of the trouble she’s had in her abdomen ever since she had surgery to fix a hernia last spring.  She has been frustrated because it has still caused her pain and she has been unable to run or do her normal exercise since the surgery.  It was clear to me when I got to the surgical point on her foot because of the discomfort she manifested.  After gently, yet thoroughly working the area a bit, it felt like scar tissue to me.  I’ve only zoned her once and hadn’t anticipated anything spectacular to happen, but a few weeks after the zone, this is what she posted on social media:
“I went running!!! Haven’t been able to do that since last May & surgery. Had a foot zoning and I am back in business.”  NK


We would like to thank Katie Watkins for the amazing art she’s done for all of our books, the Foot Zoning charts, and the anatomy coloring pages that she has drawn for our in-depth classes. Also a big thank you to Dallin Goodsell for helping us with our new foot pictures, they look great. We are so excited to be using them in our new curriculum.


Every once in a while I’ll suddenly have a nerve or tendon in one of my feet get pinched, and it kills to walk for a few minutes or a few hours or a day.  But recently it happened and lasted for about a week.

I get zoned regularly, so I just zoned the area on my left foot that represents the muscles and tendons of the foot, and within a couple of minutes it fixed the problem that I’ve had for about a week.   AW


When I started getting zoned I had terrible adrenal fatigue and it took quite a few zones, but my adrenals are almost completely normal now.  KC


A young mom in my neighborhood brought her newborn baby boy over because their power was out and she needed to keep his bilirubin light machine plugged in so that he could be under the lights for his jaundice.  I zoned his little teenie feet while they were here, and he really yelped when I got to the liver and common bile duct, but the next day she took him back to the hospital for his bilirubin test, and his levels were completely normal.  AL


About the Advanced FZ Classes:

I will tell you that I was not quite sure that I wanted to finish the program but after the last class I have LOVED the depth that I learned.  I have done 12 feet since I saw you last and found the olfactory bulb on each of them.  🙂    LD


When I started zoning one of my clients, her feet were like an asphalt parking lot.  Now they’ve changed to be soft and nice.  What a difference in her whole the body zoning her has made!   MS


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